The Mother Nurtured is an inclusive practice, if you identify with the role of the mother or support someone who does – we are here for you.
You might be the birthing partner (or solo parent) but you might also be someone who cares for a mother (partners, carers and friends, we see you). You may be struggling on your journey towards motherhood – we’re here to support through the ups and downs of fertility trials too. You might have birthed your babies or have had them come to you in other ways. Your babies might not be with you yet or with you anymore, but you’re always a mother to us.
Furthermore, we do not discriminate on sex, gender identity or expression, race, colour, sexual orientation, national origin, age, ability or stage of motherhood. If you ever feel we are not honouring this promise, we want to hear from you at
The Mother Nurtured is not an emergency service. If you are in danger, in crisis, at risk of harm to yourself or others, having suicidal or homicidal thoughts, please immediately contact 000 in Australia or your local emergency services.
A list of additional services can be found below:
Lifeline – 13 11 14
Suicide Call Back Service – 1300 659 467
Beyond Blue – 1300 224 636
Mental Health Line – 1800 011 511 (Available 24/7)
Suicide Call Back Service – 1300 659 467
Parentline – 1300 130 052 (For NSW Parents/Carers of children up to 18 years of age)
Our answer is “not yet” – Medicare and a lot of private health insurers don’t yet cover counselling but The Australian Counselling Association are working hard to change this for all of us. In saying that – some services that you are able to claim from charge a rate that sees even the gap amount come to more than what our sessions are. One of our missions at TMN was to make mental health care and support more accessible and affordable for mamas everywhere.
Most importantly, you can expect to feel heard as a mother! You can expect that your Support Team are there to create a safe space for you to share your highs and lows of motherhood – a space that will always be free of judgement and bias. You can expect an empathetic ear, and comfort when you need it. It’s your time, your space, and your Support Team member is there to do just that, support you in the direction you’d like the session to go (don’t worry, we do give guidance if you’re feeling stuck or unsure).
During the pandemic, we discovered that online therapy is effective as face-to-face sessions. The beauty of that being you can stay in your PJs or be in the car with a cup of coffee (we’ve all done it) during your session.
As soon as you book and process your payment, both you and your counsellor will receive Telehealth link. In booking, you would have selected either a 40 or 80 minute session that will run entirely through that link.
Telehealth is completely secure and all systems we use are encrypted and meet all Australian privacy and professional standards – meaning your sessions, information and other details stay safe. Please see our Privacy Policy here and those of the two systems we use to host sessions/bookings and take payment:
Power Diary –
Stripe –
Absolutely they are. As you’ll see on your Informed Consent form (filled in and signed prior to sessions) – there are extreme conditions under which it may be necessary to break confidentiality, these are:
If we are subpoenaed by a court of law to present relevant information
If at any point during the session the counsellor has genuine belief or concern that you may be of harm to yourself or another person – in which case the therapist is required to contact relevant authorities.
Counsellors are required by law and ethics to report abuse, ongoing domestic violence, or neglect of a vulnerable person i.e. children, people with a disability or the elderly.
We can also disclose information to a third party (e.g. via a referral) with your written consent as the client.
That’s another bonus when it comes to online support sessions – you don’t even need to speak to your GP for a referral to book with us. It’s up to you if you share with others in your life that you’re using TMN – but rest assured, so many of our clients have come to us on recommendation and social shares from other amazing mamas!
There’s no minimum number of sessions – plenty of our mama clients just book one off sessions whenever they need them. Some clients love to stick with the same Support Team member and others like to change things up depending on the topics they want to chat about.
We do recommend that if you have a favourite counsellor or session time/day that you book in advance for as many sessions as you want (you can book with us up to 8 weeks in advance) so you don’t miss out on that fave spot.
If you’d like your counsellor to recommend a specific number of sessions that will be helpful – just ask, we’re always happy to help.
Nope! You’ll notice sessions with us are a little different. All of the specifics are covered in the documents you get when you purchase a session which means we can spend time in session focusing on you. We’re about the mama here, and will always refer on to more clinical or specialized services if that’s what you want or need.
We give a huge shout out to everyone out there supporting other humans with their mental health – and there are plenty of online services for structured generalist counselling and psychology! That’s just not us – we’re for the mother by the mother and want you to feel like this was tailor-made for you as one.
We’re all qualified and registered but the reason we call our sessions “Support Sessions” is because we’re trying to normalise speaking to someone when you need to – and making that an affordable, accessible, easy thing to do.
Definitely not! You can book in just to have someone to talk to, you can book us to chat about your wins and strengths as a Mum too. We’re equally here for the low times, but nothing has to be ‘wrong’ with you or your life.
We are here to break through the stigma around chatting to a professional and taking good care of your mental and emotional health. Prevention is always better than the cure so it’s great to speak to us anytime – you book time with us when you want and need it.
Every single one of our Support Team holds a Diploma of Counselling and are committed to ongoing professional development as registered members of the ACA – Australian Counselling Association. Many of our team hold further university degrees in Social Work, Nursing, Early Education, Psychology (but are not practicing as those here) and other fields. Each TMN Support Team member also comes with a wealth of lived and professional experience. Little secret – they were all hired for their deep empathy, warm hearts and caring natures.